CL-USER> (defun greater-than-p (n) (lambda (x) (> x n)))
CL-USER> (greater-than-p 42)
CL-USER> (mapcar * '(41 42 43))

CL-USER> (format t "~:{~&~7D ~A~&~}"
             (sort (mapcar (lambda (system)
                             (list (ql-dist:archive-size
                                     (ql-dist:release system))
                                   (ql-dist:name system)))
                           (ql:system-apropos-list "xml"))
                   #'< :key #'car))

   5173 cl-junit-xml
   5173 cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit
   5173 cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit2
   5173 cl-junit-xml.test
   6422 xml-emitter
   6631 xmls-tools
  10188 pithy-xml
  10705 cl-xmlspam
  11422 cxml-rpc
  13832 zaws-xml
  15206 cl-sxml
  15206 cl-sxml-test
  15391 xml-mop
  21248 s-xml
  21248 s-xml.examples
  21248 s-xml.test
  23255 s-xml-rpc
  24185 cl-rdfxml
  27508 sexml
  27508 sexml-objects
  32536 xml.location
  32536 xml.location-and-local-time
  52069 cxml-stp
  52069 cxml-stp-test
  54697 hu.dwim.util/flexml
  55579 cl-libxml2
  55579 cl-libxml2-test
  55579 xfactory
  55579 xfactory-test
  55579 xoverlay
  72148 hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml
  72148 hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml+cxml
  72148 hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml+hu.dwim.quasi-quote.js
  80680 xmls
  80680 xmls/test
 114587 cxml-rng
 126074 qtxml
 126074 qtxmlpatterns
 154772 cxml
 154772 cxml-dom
 154772 cxml-klacks
 154772 cxml-test
 154772 cxml-xml
 182696 hu.dwim.perec+hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml
 190543 cl-html5-parser-cxml
 335410 xml-render
 626284 bknr.xml
(defun ql-apropos (key)
  "Like `ql:system-apropos' with more detail."
  ;; TO DO: Nicely print rigidly indented multiline strings?
  (let* ((systems (ql:system-apropos-list key))
         (archives-relative-path "dists/quicklisp/software/")
         (archives-dir (merge-pathnames archives-relative-path
    (dolist (system systems)
      (let* ((release (ql-dist:release system))
             (name (ql-dist:name system))
             (size (ql-dist:archive-size release))
             (required (ql-dist:required-systems system))
             (files (ql-dist:system-files release)))
        (format t "~&~A    ~D    ~:A~%"
                name size required)
        (dolist (file files)
          (let* ((prefix (ql-dist:prefix release))
                 (dir (cl-fad:pathname-as-directory
                       (merge-pathnames archives-dir prefix)))
                 (path (merge-pathnames file dir))
                 (info (ignore-errors
                         (with-open-file (asd path)
                             (loop for form = (read asd nil)
                                while form
                                when (eq 'defsystem (car form))
                                return (getf form ':description))))))
            (let* ((head (format nil "    ~A    "
                                 (pathname-name path)))
                   (new-line-indent (format nil "~%~v@T"
                                            (length head))))
              (princ head)
              (loop for c across (or info "")
                 do (princ (if (char= #\NewLine c) new-line-indent c)))

CL-USER> (ql-apropos "xml")
bknr.xml 626284 (cl-interpol cxml)    baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites
    bknr.datastore    baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites
    bknr.impex    BKNR XML import/export
    bknr.indices    CLOS class indices
    bknr.skip-list    Skiplist implementation for bknr
    bknr.utils    baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites
    bknr.xml    baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites
cl-html5-parser-cxml    190543    (cl-html5-parser cxml)
    cl-html5-parser    A HTML5 parser for Common Lisp
cl-junit-xml    5173    (alexandria cxml iterate)
cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit    5173    (alexandria cl-junit-xml cl-ppcre iterate lisp-unit)
cl-junit-xml.lisp-unit2    5173    (alexandria cl-junit-xml cl-ppcre iterate lisp-unit2)
cl-junit-xml.test    5173    (cl-junit-xml lisp-unit2)
cl-libxml2    55579    (alexandria cffi flexi-streams garbage-pools iterate metabang-bind puri)
cl-libxml2-test    55579    (cl-libxml2 lift)
cl-rdfxml    24185    (cxml puri)
cl-sxml    15206    (cxml)
cl-sxml-test    15206    (asdf cl-sxml fiveam flexi-streams uiop)
cl-xmlspam    10705    (cl-ppcre cxml)
    cl-xmlspam    Streaming pattern matching for XML
cxml    154772    (cxml-dom cxml-klacks cxml-test)
cxml-dom    154772    (cxml-xml)
cxml-klacks    154772    (cxml-xml)
cxml-rng    114587    (cl-base64 cl-ppcre cxml parse-number yacc)
cxml-rpc    11422    (cl-base64 cxml drakma hunchentoot parse-number)
    cxml-rpc    An XML-RPC interface for Common Lisp
cxml-stp    52069    (alexandria cxml xpath)
cxml-stp-test    52069    (cxml-stp rt)
cxml-test    154772    (cxml-dom cxml-klacks cxml-xml)
cxml-xml    154772    (closure-common puri trivial-gray-streams)
hu.dwim.perec+hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml    182696    (hu.dwim.asdf hu.dwim.perec hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml)
    hu.dwim.perec.all    All backends for hu.dwim.perec.
    hu.dwim.perec.all.test    Test suite for all backends of hu.dwim.perec.
    hu.dwim.perec    RDBMS based persistent CLOS, an object relational mapping (ORM).
    hu.dwim.perec.documentation    Oracle backend for hu.dwim.perec.    Test suite for hu.dwim.perec with Oracle backend.
    hu.dwim.perec.postgresql    Postgresql backend for hu.dwim.perec.
    hu.dwim.perec.postgresql.test    Test suite for hu.dwim.perec with Postgresql backend.
    hu.dwim.perec.sqlite    Sqlite backend for hu.dwim.perec.
    hu.dwim.perec.sqlite.test    Test suite for hu.dwim.perec with Sqlite backend.
    hu.dwim.perec.test    Test suite for hu.dwim.perec
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml    72148    (hu.dwim.asdf hu.dwim.quasi-quote)
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote    Quasi quoted domain specific languages and transformations.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.css    Quasi quote transformations for emitting CSS.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.js    Quasi quote transformations for emitting JavaScript.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.pdf    Quasi quote transformations for emitting PDF.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml    Quasi quote transformations for emitting XML.
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml+cxml    72148    (cxml hu.dwim.asdf hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml)
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote    Quasi quoted domain specific languages and transformations.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.css    Quasi quote transformations for emitting CSS.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.js    Quasi quote transformations for emitting JavaScript.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.pdf    Quasi quote transformations for emitting PDF.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml    Quasi quote transformations for emitting XML.
hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml+hu.dwim.quasi-quote.js    72148    (hu.dwim.asdf hu.dwim.quasi-quote.js hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml)
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote    Quasi quoted domain specific languages and transformations.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.css    Quasi quote transformations for emitting CSS.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.js    Quasi quote transformations for emitting JavaScript.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.pdf    Quasi quote transformations for emitting PDF.
    hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml    Quasi quote transformations for emitting XML.
hu.dwim.util/flexml    54697    (cl-ppcre cxml hu.dwim.asdf hu.dwim.def hu.dwim.def.namespace hu.dwim.defclass-star+hu.dwim.def hu.dwim.util)
    hu.dwim.util+iolib    Integration of hu.dwim.util with iolib.
    hu.dwim.util    Various utilities, this is the most basic system that only introduce a small number of external dependencies.
pithy-xml    10188    ()
qtxml    126074    (qtcore qtools)
qtxmlpatterns    126074    (qtcore qtnetwork qtools qtxml)
s-xml    21248    ()
    s-xml    Simple Common Lisp XML Parser
s-xml-rpc    23255    (s-xml)
    s-xml-rpc    Common Lisp XML-RPC Package
s-xml.examples    21248    (s-xml)
    s-xml    Simple Common Lisp XML Parser
s-xml.test    21248    (s-xml)
    s-xml    Simple Common Lisp XML Parser
sexml    27508    (alexandria cl-ppcre contextl cxml macroexpand-dammit)
sexml-objects    27508    (sexml)
xfactory    55579    (cl-libxml2)
xfactory-test    55579    (lift xfactory)
xml-emitter    6422    (cl-utilities)
    xml-emitter    xml-emitter simply emits XML, with some
                   complexity for handling indentation. It can be used to produce all
                   sorts of useful XML output; it has an RSS 2.0 emitter built in.
xml-mop    15391    (closer-mop s-xml)
    xml-mop    xml-mop allows representing parts of XML documents as CLOS objects
xml-render    335410    (cl-typesetting xmls)
    cl-typesetting    Common Lisp Typesetting system
    xml-render    none
    cl-pdf-doc    Common Lisp PDF Generation Library Documentation
xml.location    32536    (alexandria closer-mop cxml-stp iterate let-plus more-conditions split-sequence xpath)
xml.location-and-local-time    32536    (local-time xml.location)
xmls    80680    ()
xmls-tools    6631    (xmls)
xmls/test    80680    (xmls)
xoverlay    55579    (cl-libxml2)
zaws-xml    13832    (cxml)